Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Winter hiking with the dog

12-22-14  New view from Peterman Hill hike from a new logging road,
down into Riffe Lake with Mossyrock to the west.
12-22-14  You can just see a white slice of Mt. Rainier, nestled between the dark clouds
below and the lighter clouds and blue sky, from Peterman Hill.

12-26-14  Pack Forest, gorgeous little stream on the 1000 road.

12-26-14   View from the top of Hugo Peak, Pack Forest.
12-26-14 "You want my profile pic?"
It's been another enjoyable semester at UPS, year 2 of the DPT program. I'm learning a lot. Didn't make time for my hiking or the dog which I feel slightly guilty for...so I'm trying to make up for it now. I did manage to swim and do the elliptical at the school gym while I was on campus. Just yesterday, the snow arrived so that will keep me grounded, unless I go up to where I can wear my new snowshoes. Tentatively scheduled for later this week.
Probably can't bring the dog.  
She'll sink into the snow and get lost. 

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